Assignment 3

picture from Brian D. Evans on Minutes

What is the goal of multimedia? I think the goal of multimedia is to use a more audio-visual method to delivery information to people. Images, sound, videos make the way of spreading information more creative and effective. A good multimedia object should be able to catch someone’s attention, make a lasting impression, and make people learn from it effectively and interestingly.

In this blog, I would like to share how I improve an infographic I done before based on the learning so far. Here is a Infographic I had done last semester, the purpose of this project is to inform people about a local non-profit organization and call on more people to volunteer for this organization and help with their work.

Based on the original work, I think the good point is that I used a color scheme that fits the theme, green reminds people of plants, brown reminds people of soil, and I also used more plants and icons related to this organization for the background images. For the text part, I introduce the principles and main work of this organization to tell people what kind of organization is this one, but the content is too simple and I think it is weak on calling people to participants volunteer activities because I did not provide enough information.

One weaknesses of this project is that the background is a little messy. First of all, I need to change the background for several sections to make it looks neater. Secondly, I would bold the font of each part’s title, as for the color of the text, I think white is easy to read. For the content part, I think i would add another page to enrich it. I need to add volunteer methods to bring practical value to the readers. Moreover, it would be better if I can provide the address, email, and phone number as contact information, I added a QR code for its website as well, because it increases the number of ways readers contact the organization and make it easy to find applicable ways to learn and join the Life Cycles, and it is friendly to both readers who are good or bad with smartphones. Through these adjustment, I think the infographic has met the requirement of the principles of operable, usable, and robust, as for the perceivable, I think the volunteer work for this organization are mainly target to the people with normal hearing, and vision because of its difficulty, so I did not add another version for disabled like blind people. I think the theme color and design of original one is nice so I kept these for the new page.The revised program should be a stronger call for people to join the volunteer activities of this great organization. Here is the updated version:

According to the segmentation principle, I have partitioned the content of each section. Based on the principle of redundancy and the principle of signaling, I have given each section the corresponding image and icon, and emphasized the title of each section with a bolded font. The principle of coherence is expressed in my choice of infographic content; I excluded foreign material and focused on the topic itself. My infographic also followed some basic Adobe design principles, as evidenced by my use of a uniform color palette and a larger space to highlight key information. I also took into account nine suggestions for a good infographic during the revision process, so I came up with a practical area for volunteer activities and a way to sign up, and the content was well researched to ensure the validity of the information. I used a short story to introduce the origins of the organization, so that the content is not too rigid, using a large green and brown to visually attract attention, and partitioned presentation to make it look well structured.

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